Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Who's Afraid of the Heffer?

Ok I couldn't resist putting this picture on my blog. We all went to Bear World and Sadie went right over to this huge old pig and started putting her face in his. He was so grumpy and would make the loudest squeals but she wouldn't let up and kept on bugging him. It was a riot.


Cristi said...

THEA???!!!! Have I FOUND you, my long lost Showtime friend? Through the world of BLOGGING???!!! WAHOOOOO!!! This is the best news I've gotten all year! That you're a blogger! I'm going straight to our page and adding a link to your site! I miss you and love you!!!

Jake and Nicole said...

Thea!! Now that yall are on facebook I snooped at your blog! Your girls are so darling! I'm finally seeing pictures of your new addition!! I love it! How are yall?!

Mendy said...

Hey AZ Greaves! I'm so glad you have a blog. I had no idea! Your girls are growing up so fast. We need to get together to have our pedicures!

Katie said...

Dude! This picture is hillarious. I wish you guys were close so that you could come to Lucy's b-day party, poor Lucy...Poor ME! I miss you tons. I need you to come and help me find the perfect house because you have one.